Hey, Stranger!

I highly appreciate the time you have spent browsing my website! However, before you go further, let's make things clear.

In order to guarantee stable work of this website, I need to collect, store, and process some data. These bits of information come from journal files stored on my personal server.

Q: What's being tracked?

A: IP addresses, browser versions(aka User Agent), URLs, and time of access. None of this is used to track visitors' profiles.

Q: How long the data is being stored?

A: Website journal files stored not longer than 10 days(GDPR compliance! YAY!). Processed reports get erased every day at 23:58 CET.

Q: Where the website is hosted?

A: in Germany.

This website, however, is not using any advanced tracking techniques, such as cookie files, live location tracking, or battery status check. Moreover, this website is 100% free of client-side Javascript code! Yes, that also means no cryptocurrency miners. Well, unless somebody manages to hack my website :)

This website only presents information on my endeavours of being a musician.

Thank you for your attention!

Sincerely yours,
